Friday, May 20, 2016

Here Comes Camp

It's May and time for Camp! This pony will be there in all his finery and champing at the bit. As in the lat two years, I plan to fly - this time from two hooks (I need a challenge and that qualifies). Last year it was four, the year before it was 6.

The past year brought a whole lot of change - some of it not so welcome but probably very necessary. My stable mate Stormy and I are no longer owned and yours truly has done more pony handling in the past year than anything else. It's all in a good cause, though. If we want a healthy pony community, some of us have to do the job of training the younguns.

I got my first real taste of that at the winter Flea in Providence. It fell to me to organize and run the pony paddock this year. I threw myself into it with all I had and things went pretty well. It didn't hurt that I had Stormy and two other wonderful ponyboys along to help. I still prefer to be the pony, but in the interest of keeping pony play alive and well, I will do what it takes.

It's my hope that I'll get to pony up at camp. But who knows? Stormy and I will be presenting the Pony Play 101 class this year.

This could get interesting!

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